MA322 Abstract Algebra II

In this course we will pick up where Fred Tinsley left off in MA321, continuing with much of the rest of the contents of A First Course in Abstract Algebra, by Anderson and Feil. 

In the process we will encounter some amazing impossibility results first proved in the early nineteenth century.  These results were only made possible by the development of group theory and field theory.  We'll prove that it is impossible to
duplicate the cube, trisect the angle, square the circle, and solve the general fifth degree equation by radicals.

Daily Schedule:
Mornings:  9:30 a.m.- noon or so
Afternoons:  1:15--2:45 or so

Office Hours: 
After class is usually a great time to talk, and set a later appointment if necessary.  I'm also available most afternoons 1:15-4; I'll let you know if there are exceptions!

Interview Talks!

The math department will be hosting 4 candidates for a tenure track job during Block 5.  It is really important that we receive student feedback about these candidates.  Please attend the talks they give for students!  You also have the chance to have breakfast with them as they arrive (see RV for details).